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Wiki Fiction Roleplay Character Page

Information on Character Creation and Applying to the Guild



WFR Application Page

Want to be a member of the guild? Already a member, but want a second (third, fourth) character? Apply here!

WFR Guild Members

This is the list of accepted players and their characters. You don't post here. The mods do. But it's a great page to read over to find some of the best players in Elftown.

For tips on character creation, see Role playing for Dummies.

WFR Char RACE Page - A page listing different races your characters can be.

WFR Char RANK Page - A page listing different ranks and classes your character can have.

Alignment - A page describing different alignments, which basicaly is a basic outline of your character's moral code.

Size - A page describing the effects of how big or small your character is.

If you're looking to make an actual game a part of the guild, you're in the wrong spot. WFR Games and WFR Quests has the info you need. :)


Ladies and Gentlemen, WFR is getting huge! Thank you all for your character submissions!


Once you're accepted, you get to post this nifty badge in your house.



Just copy-paste this code into your house description to display the badge!


Characters in Limbo

These are potential acceptees who need to make some changes before we can approve them. If you're on this list, please do something about it, even if that only means messaging one of the mods and letting them know that you're no longer interested!

Characters in Limbo are 'anarchic creatures', tattered, un-finished entities whose creator-gods and avatars abandoned them in the cosmic vast, left stranded and mis-guided; soulless voids, the carnal temples who shall forever be swept in the current of dying elements, to be cast some day into oblivion or into the Deeper Vast, the area of the cosmos where life make no sense, and where death is in the past.

The WFR Lost Characters, however, are not anarchic and are not lost in the sweeping ridge of the cosmos, past the heavens and hells... they're just flat out lost. Sent on adventures never travelled, looting hordes that just plain don't exist, these fools roam the universe, hidden from the eyes of any truth, since their players have abandoned... well, us. Players who do not show up to Elftown for months and years at a time are sent to this land of misfit characters.... Not to Limbo.

Malbosha Please add/edit info
Fuin [Oddjob] Please add more info
Selek [Punk_Rock_Mosher] Please add/edit info
Whupem [benjismokin] Missing Info
Neuuval Sleavunsu Missing ID info, cant contact creator because no user name.
Edorita [Savior of the Broken] Pending class change or MOD exception
Marius [F34R :82:-DE] Pending skills description and personality additions
Gelina [Bahn] Unknown species and unspecific skills.
Jade Sparrow [jade_sparrow13] I dont even know this characters name and needs more skills
Thayandegea Nioshia USER NAME USER


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Username (or number or email):


2003-12-20 [Nightshadow]: Okay...altered Gim's "skills" section...I think I got it across wrong the first time. Really he's a pretty weak character.

2003-12-20 [MathiasIV]: Thankee kindly for accepting yet another of my entries :)

2003-12-20 [xido]: If Leahnorra doesn't need those boots, then they're just boots.....accept's ok, she's good by my standards...if she plays too powerfully, we'll downsize her in-game.

2003-12-20 [xido]: on Malbosha: what's a clock? a cloak? Running away from the mages makes him an outcast to them.....rangers can use magic, basically he's a ranger (4th level, for D&D standards, I'd assume)....accept himit is short, but's a simple character.....if he RPs out-of-char, he'll have to re-edit

2003-12-20 [Leara]: thats not what I'm having a problem with here....'Skilled in both combat and magic allows her to react accordingly' Does that mean she can react to EVERY situation? And the fact that it sounds like she's only vunable to extremely powerful she keeps mentioning 'high dark magic' and such...

2003-12-20 [xido]: Soleil's good....accepted

2003-12-20 [Leara]: And for JTHM....thats an extremely short description....I'd like to see more doesn't give a very good idea of the character being that short...

2003-12-20 [Leara]: O.O jeez, I think theres so much there I missed hers....opps...

2003-12-20 [xido]: Gim: telekinesis is in, telepathy is out...consider it a planar effect for being outside of his dimension....telepathy is hereby banned from WFR pisses too many people off...thoughts are for RP effect only...not for others to hear. I'll allow the telepathy if, and only if, it is the only way for him to communicate....and then it's outward only...since he is mute....and you'll be speaking in all italics. accepted, pending those changes. What's the crystal for??

2003-12-20 [Leara]: it wouldn't even be that bad is whoever he rp's with ALLOWS his character to read there mind, but only if permission was granted.

2003-12-20 [xido]: Kunas the monk sounds good now....accept.

2003-12-20 [MathiasIV]: Soleil, soliel, solleil.... Hmm *runs the name across his memory a few more times* Such a familiar name... DAMN why cant I remember it. EverCrack perhaps??? I dunt know.

2003-12-20 [MathiasIV]: Go xido, its yer burthday, go Xido, Go xido. (lol sorry :)

2003-12-20 [MathiasIV]: Erm sorry to continue to interrupt your busting these characters out, but might there be a better classification for Kunas? The class doesnt really fit the race. I hate to be old fasioned, but a dwarf, being stalky, would perhaps not be the best race for a class who's main attribute would be agility... just a thought...

2003-12-20 [Leara]: I don't see anything wrong with being a dwarf and what he has there.....though I still don't like the angel character I just accepted, Angels are the closest thing your going to get to a god without being a god...

2003-12-20 [xido]: lol@Mathias........hehehe....nope...June, thanks.....dwarfves are just as suitable for the monk class as any......beautifully elastic, that class's all about spirit and body, not race......and as for the angel....well, look at our comments on the race page....we were going for diversity when we started into this......I figure if it gets bad in-game, we'll fix it IN-GAME.....easy as pie.

2003-12-20 [MathiasIV]: like I said, just a thought. I was thinking perhaps Disciple, or even some sort of Cleric, since he studied at a monastary. Monk is more than being able to fight with your body, its supposed to be a state of being, like I said. Maybe I am being old fashioned.

2003-12-20 [Leara]: *sigh* hopefully she'll listen....because an angel character is likely to put themselves above everyone ^^;

2003-12-20 [MathiasIV]: I am out, GL till the next time I submit one of my entirely too easy to process characters :) I am gunning for the most characters in wiki history :P

2003-12-20 [xido]: you'll be heading it off with the GMs, that's for sure......I can't even count how many chars/NPCs I've played on here so far.....I've lost some of them, there's so I'm going to make a write-up for every one of them.......sheesh...:P

2003-12-20 [Leara]: I have 5 separate elftown accounts for different characters XD Good luck. And I might be taking a break from this one soon, though I'll still come on to check this. So I'll have 6 then.

2003-12-20 [Nightshadow]: I've been playing a telepathic character---accepted a long time ago--for months without ever pissing anyone off. I stick the bit about telepathy in the bios because it's true to the chars and so that I have the option, but the only time I ever act or even speak on someone else's character's thoughts is if I know the player well and am sure they won't mind.

2003-12-20 [xido]: that sounds just fine then.....if it doens't hurt, it's cool....otherwise, consider it off limits......I've had at least two telepaths that did nothing but read people's thoughts and it made everyone in the wikis REALLY ANGRY.....and it didn't sell me out to the idea...that's for sure.

2003-12-20 [Nightshadow]: *smirks* I can think of which you of 'em, anyway...I'm also [Therian], so...yeah.

2003-12-21 [xido]: it makes sense.....I get lost with all the alternate personalities.....I'm just me, through and through

2003-12-21 [Leara]: O.O

2003-12-21 [Blood Raven]: what's the use of different accounts? I can't understand it....

2003-12-21 [Nightshadow]: Well, in my case, it was to test myself as a play Therian and Nightshadow side by side to see if I got caught. I came to the conclusion that no one pays enough attention to notice whether I was great or god-awful at differentiating them. *wry grin*

2003-12-21 [Leara]: Apparently I play a male flawlessly XD its great.

2003-12-21 [Blood Raven]: Probably people think you and therian aren't the same becuz Therian doesn't like Nightshadow. Well that actually would make suspicion as motly people are quite nice to eachother here, especially against the powerfull ones. It could also be because Therian and Nightshadow (the chars) don't see eachother quite often and don't coöpperate, because that's when you could see Therian and Nightshadow playing perfectly with eachother and that would be very suspicious

2003-12-21 [Nightshadow]: *grins* I stopped trying so hard to keep them separate awhile just blurting it out right here demontrates. They're different chars, I'm confident in my ability to make them differnet chars, and I don't worry about it. And go Leara. XD

2003-12-21 [Blood Raven]: lol, I would almost make a female account myself and see if any1 would notice

2003-12-21 [Nightshadow]: I have considered doing that...I should try it. *thinks* My only male RP char, Gim, could easily be male or female for his personality...*ponders new fun trial?*

2003-12-21 [Leara]: No one knows my male character is me....and no one suspects he's really played by a female XD he's such a cocky bastard

2003-12-21 [Blood Raven]: *dreamy voice* ahh... isn't it great to fool fellow elftowners?

2003-12-21 [Leara]: wonderful ^___^

2003-12-21 [Blood Raven]: roflm

2003-12-21 [xido]: why can't people just make characters, though? I don't think I see a reason for making a whole new account for it.....that would probably piss someone off pretty bad upstairs if it wasted memory really badly.....*shrugs* I tried it once, but now only use my other one for testing forums/replies, a test hedda..:P

2003-12-21 [Blood Raven]: lol

2003-12-21 [MathiasIV]: I agree with Xido. No need to make extra accounts, you just have to be a good RPer and not let anybody know who is making your comments :P

2003-12-21 [Blood Raven]: yep, but at some moments you just can't do that. But most people don't have much attention for the last editor button anyway

2003-12-21 [MathiasIV]: hehe shhhh don't tell them about the last editor button :) you never know who could be watching!

2003-12-22 [Blood Raven]: allright...

2003-12-23 [MathiasIV]: Damn good character Therian. Very nice. That is a great example of how to make your character powerfull while still being viable.

2003-12-23 [Leara]: Ania Hana doesn't sound to have any weaknesses....what? Are these people afraid to include them? argh...

2003-12-23 [MathiasIV]: I agree leara Ania is too good. Being a master of both weapons AND magic is a little far fetched.

2003-12-23 [Leara]: argh....I gotta talk to Xidoraven >.<

2003-12-23 [Blood Raven]: half dragons seem to become more popular too since i used one... must be coincidence... well anyways, maybe you need to put up a ext like this:

People you are free to enter a char, but stop entering gods without weaknesses!<h1> thank you

Missing: </h1>

2003-12-23 [Leara]: and you think they'll listen? of the characters has alot of similarities with mine too....its a matter of pushing the thought to the back of your head and ignoring it....

2003-12-23 [Blood Raven]: well for such kind of reason i asked you if you would check my chars another time. Did you find any time to do that btw?

2003-12-23 [Leara]: not yet ^^; I don't know where I put my glasses, so I'm trying not to read much >.> I'm gonna have them killed.

2003-12-23 [Blood Raven]: who? my chars or your glasses?

2003-12-23 [Leara]: my eyes...>.> their gonna be mangled

2003-12-23 [Blood Raven]: lol

2003-12-23 [MathiasIV]: I could mangle them for you..... for a fee.

2003-12-23 [Leara]: noooo! I don't want them mangled even more!

2003-12-23 [MathiasIV]: @_@

2003-12-24 [Blood Raven]: is that an insult gainst Mat?

2003-12-24 [xido]: is this the official blabber commenting page? lol.....Ania is a bit multi-ranked.....she's powerful....and without weakness. If that player is absolved to play such a character, so be it, and we all ask that she be roleplayed as in-character as possible. However, the player should know that some GMs will not tolerate delusional RP, and may do things in-game to level her out against the other party members. This is what I term a show-off char. Perfectly valid, but obviously played in another campaign before, and now known as 'pretty'. I have previously stated no restrictions on characters besides full detail in their write-ups. I shall stick to the rule that I have made, and that is:

2003-12-24 [xido]: All character descriptions will be fully detailed, or they will not be accepted. If the peer group of the RPG Guild would like to critique the CHAR, it should be done on the comments of the CHAR page. If the player cannot RP the character they have made effectively, it is the right of the GM of the wiki they RP on to do things in-game to level them out against the rest of the designated party in the wiki.

2003-12-24 [xido]: I will not dictate the character preferences of individual players, but the voices of other players shall be heard. Please post all constructive peer criticisms in the comments of the new CHAR page of accepted characters. Remember that creative ideas are better than pessimism or degrading comments. I have faith that we will treat each other fairly; there are some great players here. Thanks. -will x.o

2003-12-24 [xido]: I believe that [JTHM] will edit his page as necessary after gaming. I have spoken with him, and feel that he will benefit from in-game details. I assume he's already been messaged to add to and edit his CD.....please do this soon, man. He can be accepted if he says he will do this. Therian, your newbie is a very well-thought-out character, and I highly applaude your work on all details of the Ionnya campaign. Nice work, I believe she deserves some kudos on her pages, as well as people to give it a look-through.  *applause* In my own personal campaigns, the blood of fae (elves) and dragons cannot be mixed, lest a terrible abberation be born from the union...Ania would be scary.

2003-12-24 [Sunny Silverunicorn]: Am, Sorry, But I do not believe Ania is a god, She has her weaknesses, For example I have said she has a sensetive personality. I believe that even If you are good at everything, still with a sensetive heart you can not be use all your power. I mean, being good is sometimes a weakness. There are other things too, If you notice, she has a nearly blank memory. Anyway I'm not trying to convince you here or anything, I just can say that I thought an emotional character is a good weakness, for I have it and that's my worst weakness. Eventhough if You want weaknesses, I can add some. And One more thing, about the half dragons, I must say, I didn't take it from anywhere honestly.Thanx

2003-12-24 [Sunny Silverunicorn]: One more thing, If you have noticed the many abilities Ania has, that's because she developed in my mind for a long time, and as I made up her story in my mind, I encountered situations that she must have solved by herself, and I got out of the situations by prossessing her character, and adding more branches to the basic character. Like the recall stone, I found out many ocassions she had to translocate, and with a blank memory, she couldn't have done it by herself, so her mentor gave her the stone.

2003-12-24 [Leara]: she only has emotional weaknes's....what about physical?

2003-12-25 [Sunny Silverunicorn]: Well, everybody has physical weaknesses. She is a ranger, so she does not wear armor and such, and being a half dragon doesn't give one physical powers. So she has the same physical weaknesses a normal person would have.

2003-12-25 [xido]: Unfortunately, I'm no more convinced, but I'm just hopeful that you're an incredible RPer.

2003-12-25 [xido]: Why are we multiples of thousands of years of age? Please read Therian for an example of a character deserving of that many years of age. And is it known what a person of that age would act like? Because I'm sure they would not act like a typical please RP that kind of ADVANTAGED character effectively. We are straying further and further away from rational character development in my opinion. "Despite his great abilities, he is still only human." Exactly what is that implying? He's no more human than a demigod, with all those abilities. Please omit that phrase, or edit it to define what it implies.

2003-12-25 [Blood Raven]: Mitsulak. He is a paladin, can cast DARK magic (that's not possibile i believe, unless he is a ex-paladin. A paladin, which are good, wouldn't 'lower' his power to that of the evil) he has chi abilities (this belongs to monks, but that would be up to Leara or Xido to decide) psionic abilties (psionics are an entire other level of magic) this guy is a mix of 4 classes, and about his paladin abilities is told almost nothing. Looking at his history you couldn't even call him a paladin anymore. Still he is only human... you're right Xido, they are bothering words. You aren't human if you're a couple of thousand years old.

2003-12-25 [Blood Raven]: So you guys think Tara would be a nice example char? That's kinda why I made her to show not very powerfull chars can be created too. She basicly is just a level 1 sorceress. if you switch her to D&D that is (sry Leara that's just my basis for a RP char)

2003-12-25 [Sunny Silverunicorn]: I assure you, I can handle my charactes. But anyway, If you are not convinced as you say so, you can refuse Ania. But That won't make me stop from entering a character. It only makes me make a better character. A character which deserves to be accepted by you. I may get to make a new character that is a good one, with both powers and weaknesses. Thanx anyway.

2003-12-25 [Blood Raven]: I kinda like her though, if she gets accepted I'll just play her :P

2003-12-25 [MathiasIV]: Holy crap reading the comments on this page is like reading a novel :)

2003-12-25 [xido]: Sorry. That's what it takes sometimes. To Sunny: I say accept her, and just prove the char's worth in RP. If you would like to apply with another character, you may do so at any time. New rule: Characters made by players that are already members of the RPG Guild (if you use a different username, it will have to be proven that you're the same person...and please avoid this.) do not have to apply in the same fashion as new members. Second and further char pages (already made) may post merely a username/CHAR name, and it will be added by the mod after it is found to be a non-primary applicant.<===New rule All comments on new chars can be posted in their respective comments.

2003-12-25 [xido]: IT MUST BE AN ACTIVE LINK TO THE CHAR PAGE AND TO YOUR HOUSE. Don't get lazy about's easy enough already. To BRaven: I personally never start a char out at FIRST level.....too easy to have a bad time gaming, in my own opinion. I typically start chars out at a 3rd or 4th-level/equivalent, unless it's a new player to RP...then I train them, and use the experience from the teaching to promote them before actual gaming begins. To [carathia]: That char is indeed a bit......diverted from the path....even his own. Do something creative to him to make him a more valid personality.

2003-12-26 [Sunny Silverunicorn]: Thanx, I assure you I won't let you down, I can handle Ania.

2003-12-26 [xido]: Cool. Please accept her, fact, they all look ready.....if Malbosha's player [JTHM] has been messaged accordingly, him too. I'm thinking of asking people to put their alignments up as well, but that means teaching non-D&Ders about alignments. I just have a hard time figuring out these chars' personalities sometimes from their opinions on people's lives/rights, or lawfulness, chaotic natures, etc.

2003-12-26 [Leara]: I'm falling a sleep, I'm afraid of editting pages, I'll mess them up, and JTHM didn't make the changes I asked for....

2003-12-26 [xido]: ok. soon then, thank you. Rey'deyonno is pretty damn good, I'd just like to make apparent. X.o

2003-12-26 [Leara]: I almost did stuff earlier, clicked edit, then realized I was in no state to be copying and pasting, so I left it alone in fear of messing up...^^; I wanna rp, but theres no where to go V.V

2003-12-26 [Blood Raven]: Well, I didn't really tell a lot about her magic abilities huh? Tara could just as well be a 4th level Sorceress I guess. Alignment Chaotic Neutral, or Chaotic Good. Hm... Good I guess, she does want to help people.

2003-12-26 [Sunny Silverunicorn]: I know about alignments and I think Ania is Lawful Good.

2003-12-27 [Therian]: Soo...okay, I'm sorry, but I'm a bit slow. For this new rule, xido, do we just make our own char links, following your format, or...what?

2003-12-27 [xido]: If I had already been accepted with my char, Dtalk, and I wanted to apply with my second char, I'd post: NEW CHAR-Gea/[xido]  ....then Leara will post the new char after a quick review after my first char's wiki link. You make the page before you post it to be accepted, just like the other ones are set up. Okay?

2003-12-27 [Leara]: I just got confused....

2003-12-27 [xido]: ok......[Blood Raven] already has two chars....on one page, mind you. Now, instead of posting this huge description, he will post NEW CHAR: Tara Doodlewood / [Blood Raven] This isn't currently an active link, but that's a perfect example of what to post. THEN, Leara will look over the page, and put her comments on it if she wants. These new chars can go IN LIMBO for a little while, so people know who's got someone new......or they could go immediately beside the other chars of that player. Whatever, but only primary chars need to apply in full format on this page.

2003-12-27 [Therian]: Ty I've got it. And Leara...all he means is I'd post something like this rey'deyono/[Therian], which would let you know automatically "hey this person's already accepted so I just need to do a quick rundown"

2003-12-27 [Leara]: so.....which characters up there am I supposed to accept now? I think I actually have free time >.<

2003-12-27 [Nightshadow]: Off the top of my head I think just Therian's and Blood Raven's.

2003-12-27 [xido]: Accept them all except Malbosha, unless he knows what to do to the char....then they're all in.

2003-12-29 [Blood Raven]: wheee! I'm accepted, i think.... or at least i've got a page... whatever

2003-12-30 [MathiasIV]: AWWW I liked posting my new characters mile long style on this page. Its soo much FUN *walks over to a corner and pouts*


2003-12-30 [Leara]: O.O He wrote me a freaking novel...

2003-12-30 [MathiasIV]: Sorry hehe :) if you want me to chop it off into a character page I can :)

2003-12-30 [Leara]: nah

2003-12-31 [Blood Raven]: maybe you need to get an assistant Leara... or somebody who likes reading and administration

2003-12-31 [xido]: o.O Ouch! I felt that one.....

2003-12-31 [Blood Raven]: :D sry

2003-12-31 [Leara]: I like reading, if I'm not being swamped with msg's at the same time.

2003-12-31 [Blood Raven]: okay EVERYBODY, GIVE [Leara] A BREAK SHE HAS TOO READ A LOT YOU KNOW!

2003-12-31 [Blood Raven]: would that be sufficient?

2003-12-31 [Leara]: ^^; no....thats ok......I have half of that novel read, but I'm going out for new years, maybe I'll come home drunk and finish :P

2004-01-01 [Nere]: does anybody know if there is a proper name for those spiny things that some dragons have running down their back and tail?

2004-01-01 [Nightshadow]: Spiny-things works for me...

2004-01-01 [Angel Dreamer]: spines....

2004-01-01 [Nere]: ok........

2004-01-01 [Nightshadow]: Ahhh...spiny-things sounds better. Such a technical-sounding term.

2004-01-01 [MathiasIV]: How about thorny protusions?

2004-01-01 [Nere]: eh...I just put spines.... :P and they're not really thorny...they're" *runs*

2004-01-01 [Leara]: hehehheee *amused*

2004-01-01 [Blood Raven]: *pats Nere* just put spine, can't miss. Spines differ

2004-01-01 [Nere]: *grins* yeah...thats kinda what I figured :P

2004-01-01 [xido]: Call it a scary thorn of death and pain......that makes it more dramatic. X.o

2004-01-01 [Nere]: I think you've wandered off the topic......0.o"

2004-01-01 [Blood Raven]: or misshaped it :P

2004-01-02 [MathiasIV]: I wish you'd quit dressin me up like a mailman, and askin me to dance for you, while you smoke crack in the bedroom, and have sex, with some guy, I don't even know, in my dads bed!

2004-01-02 [MathiasIV]: O sorry, thought we were wandering off topic, maybe I wandered a little far :)

2004-01-02 [Nightshadow]: Just a little. *puts a collar around mathias's neck and chains him in the backyard to keep him from wandering more*

2004-01-02 [MathiasIV]: *sits down in the snow and scratches at a flee behind his ear awkwardly with his foot*

2004-01-02 [Nightshadow]: *considers putting him in an orange and purple doggy sweater to keep him warm* <eg>

2004-01-02 [Nere]: *wonders what sort of sicko would dress someone up as a mail man...* Creepy...

2004-01-02 [Blood Raven]: *wonders if this comment list is being misused*

2004-01-02 [Nere]: *Thinks [Blood Raven] is probably right * :P

2004-01-02 [Blood Raven]: off course i am, i'm always right. at least half of the time, but we're straining of, AGAIN

2004-01-02 [Nere]: *thinks that the species page needs a good Felynne description...*

2004-01-02 [Blood Raven]: indeed, what is a Felynne description? I suppose we could let the real cat likes (total furries) be Felynnes and those half ones (just cat ears, tail and maybe paws) half-felynnes

2004-01-02 [Nere]: *likes sunsets and walks on the beach*

2004-01-02 [Blood Raven]: that's what you call a drift-away

2004-01-02 [Nere]: *is really just trying to piss you off* eh...I don't really think creatures with just the ears tail and maybe paws are Felynnes....Cat people in a way, yes...but perhaps some creative genius could be employed to give them another name......

2004-01-02 [Blood Raven]: Neko?

2004-01-02 [Nere]: eh? is that some anime term? eh, whatever......I'm gonna try and write up a bit of a discription....

2004-01-02 [Blood Raven]: it's some name for them anime cats

2004-01-02 [Nere]: well...i guess that'll work.......hmmm...wheres Xidoraven when you need him.....

2004-01-02 [MathiasIV]: Nah a Felynne is a half humanoid half cat. Therefore anywhere there is a mix, you have a felynne

2004-01-02 [Nere]: ?....i disagree...i think a felynne is a humaniod halves about it....

2004-01-02 [MathiasIV]: Well I appear outnumbered here so I will back out :)

2004-01-02 [MathiasIV]: Erm, can't think of anywhere else to place is but someone named [space to lease] has apparently changed something to do with the accepted characters that changes the bold/normal scheme. Although the beggining appears the same. Mearly concerned something might be missing...

2004-01-02 [Nere]: yep..[space to lease] has killed off their char....all gone bye bye...see ya later...thats all..

2004-01-02 [MathiasIV]: I see that now, had to do some switching between versions.

2004-01-03 [Nere]: hmmm...Felynne descip done!!!!!!!

2004-01-03 [Blood Raven]: and well done if you ask me ^_^

2004-01-03 [Nere]: thanks .. :P

2004-01-03 [xido]: damn......where was the char STL posted? Who's been editing it? Only Leara or myself should be editing anything above the application point. I've been thinking of making a separate page for applying, and keep this page for accepted chars....a lot more work, however. And yes, the comments here are being abused a bit. Jokes are okay in moderation, but when I can't see the answers to the last thing I post, we have an issue. Comment on any other wiki with the jabber, but not the tech pages: Wiki Fantasy Roleplay, Race Page, Species Page, and Creature_List. Like I said, joking around is not prohibited, just keep it to a minimum on my pages. WHERE IS LEARA?!?

2004-01-03 [Blood Raven]: dunno, reading one of 'em romans again (that be char descriptions)

2004-01-03 [xido]: o.O......ooooook. Thank you, Nere, for the description posting for the Felynne! It is great.....What's a neko? And why do I hate anime so much? X.x There's been talk of half-felynne and all that....I dunno whatdahell......

2004-01-03 [xido]: damn, mathias, can you write a little more for us? suggestion: Sslathis is known as a greater naga...lesser nagas are the small, snake-sized, human-headed snake. The large, human-torsoed nagas are a more advanced culture. I'd love for her to be known as a Dysphasian Greater Naga, or Naga of Dysphasia....if her bloodline is descended from elven paths, then her ancestry is from afar. Her original clan and tribe would have been located in Tearra Réhm (The Country of TearRem) Message [Phyn] for more info on Dysphasia, the elven cultures on it, and the locomotion between it and Jashnia.

2004-01-03 [MathiasIV]: Dysphasian Greater Naga it is I will change it when I move it to my character list. and PLEASE dont accept Malbosha. That character is complete crap... and I have just gone on the record and said it lol.

2004-01-03 [xido]: hmmmmm....well, he hasn't been online to even know i it's in or not for over two weeks...... I know he's a good RPer....he and I messaged each other a lot while he was getting on here often. I'll deal with this.

2004-01-03 [Eriathwen]: Mm. I use it because "she" doesn't know what to call "herself". But if you want, I'll change it still o_o

2004-01-03 [Blood Raven]: xido, how do you know so much? It's scaring the hell out of me...

2004-01-03 [Nightshadow]: Thet was me editing above the line...moved my char Gim to beside my first char, since that seems to be the setup. *cringes* Don't hurt me, xido!

2004-01-03 [Zalastra]: reads too many RPG books...thats got to be it.

2004-01-03 [MathiasIV]: Nah this is all stuff that He and [Phyn] came up with. Mayhap too much free time would be more accurate :)

2004-01-03 [Blood Raven]: maybe it's both *shivers*

2004-01-03 [Leara]: O.O ah....has someone other than Xidoraven been taking my job again? And everytime I get the time to read through everything some big ass thing has happened o.O

2004-01-03 [MathiasIV]: lol Xido did it I swear. I think I can answer your question, he basically had us make our own character pages, thats all.

2004-01-03 [MathiasIV]: well that and place them in the lists :)

2004-01-03 [Leara]: *narrows eyes* You guys always pull of this crap right when I'm in the mood to read so then I have nothing to read. gerrr.

2004-01-03 [MathiasIV]: Just let me get typing :) jk, I am all drained of creative juices at the moment, writing a short story, ack. You can always feel free to reconfirm my last entry though :)

2004-01-03 [Leara]: pffft, nope, you people spoiled the mood for me.

2004-01-03 [MathiasIV]: just gimme a week and I will have a gnome character up :) still thinking about what I want to make him.

2004-01-03 [Leara]: O.O I like to read when the mood strikes me, but please, not a novel.....*whimper*

2004-01-03 [MathiasIV]: hows about an essay then....

2004-01-03 [Leara]: And whats you interpretation of how long an essay is?

2004-01-03 [MathiasIV]: 5 pages? *wince*

2004-01-03 [Leara]: *dies*

2004-01-03 [MathiasIV]: *points a finger at nobody in particular* He did it!!! *runs off*

2004-01-03 [Leara]: ; _ ;

2004-01-03 [Blood Raven]: well you did say you'd recheck my char page if you found the time...

2004-01-03 [Leara]: Which ONE?

2004-01-03 [Blood Raven]: uhm... mainly Aratil, I'm afraid he's a bit too strong

2004-01-03 [Blood Raven]: maybe he isn't but hey, I'm in this comment list complaining about everybody without a weakness, but I'm not even sure if Aratil is completly okay. So just for my self respect :)

2004-01-03 [Leara]: lol

2004-01-03 [Zalastra]: *happened to be in the direction Mat pointed* What me? ACK. If you are the one who is supposed to be approving those...who read mine? heh I feel ushered into this rather hastily.

2004-01-03 [MathiasIV]: Xido gets to but he doesnt tend to inform poor Leara when he goes dive bombing though here. You should have seen the chaos that insued last time he flew through. He started blasting people all over the place and left Leara to stand and mutter inneffective objections :P

2004-01-03 [Leara]: he confused the blazes out of me @_@ its always right when I'm about to accept ppl, then I can't, cause I'm confused...

2004-01-03 [Zalastra]: So he's more dangerous than you with a machete?

2004-01-03 [Blood Raven]: way more

2004-01-03 [Eriathwen]: Wait... so was I accepted or not? O_o

2004-01-03 [Leara]: not yet

2004-01-03 [Eriathwen]: Oh wonderful.. okay.

2004-01-03 [Leara]: read back in the comments a little, I think Xido may have wrote something regarding it

2004-01-03 [Blood Raven]: dunno, a little bit back is a lot of nonsense. the comment list was being abused. but could well be

2004-01-03 [MathiasIV]: Xido posted Accept up there Eriathwen. I assume that means he has branded it OK to Go

2004-01-03 [Leara]: the thing he has in brackets confuses me....

2004-01-03 [MathiasIV]: EVERYTING xido does confuses me so I cant help you there :P

2004-01-03 [Leara]: V.V;

2004-01-03 [Eriathwen]: Yuh. Everything he has done has confused me o-o He wrote on my characters description..

2004-01-04 [Blood Raven]: and now that's confusing too? lol. Well I've been able to understand him a number of times

2004-01-04 [Blood Raven]: maybe cuz I'm a weirdo too, can't help it.

2004-01-04 [MathiasIV]: OOOOOOOOOOOOK, So like I created a Felynne character before the description got posted. Mathias DieBold AND for the most part he is the carbon copy of the descriptions. There are a few build flaws though.... Anybody gonna nit pick it or can I leave it as is???

2004-01-05 [xido]: It's fine. AND....SEE The things I would have answered for all those inquiries TWO comment pages ago.

2004-01-05 [Nere]: yeah...sorry Mathias...i looked at your description and Blood Ravens when i wrote it and tried to make it match up as best i could :P

2004-01-05 [MathiasIV]: NP :) just checking to see if anything needed changing. The biggest difference is the 3 toes vs 4 toes and the shape of the feet.

2004-01-05 [xido]: that gnome needs some finishin' first.....and for those of you who asked something of me, you might want to look at that wiki page......Zalastra, Leara, Blood Raven, and Eriathwen, to name the ones I can remember off the top of my head....

2004-01-05 [MathiasIV]: Yeah I gotta whack the rest of him up there... I DO have a life though you know... *breaks down* ok fine..... *sniff sniff* I dont have a life... Do you feel better about yourself now???

2004-01-05 [xido]: Yep!  I enjoy watching others suffer needlessly.......I think. O.o

2004-01-05 [Blood Raven]: hey, me too. I trive on other people's misery :D

2004-01-05 [Blood Raven]: and i looked at the wiki page. Funny way the give answers to comments u missed a while ago

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